Sunday, June 22, 2014

Day 2 - Niagara Falls, Ontario

We spent the day hitting some classic Niagara Falls attractions. We picked up an Adventure Pass that covered a boat trip on the Hornblower Niagara (the Canadian version of Maid of the Mist), White Water Walk, Journey Behind the Falls and Niagara Fury (a 4D Movie).  It was a good deal and we got to see some great sites in a fairly short period of time. Lots of walking and lots of water!

I forgot how much mist comes off the falls, it's almost like a constant sprinkle, but worse cause it feels so cold. The air temperature was just about perfect, so in the sun the mist felt refreshing, in the shade it was a bit chilly.

Of the four sites we saw, the boat ride and the White Water Walk were by far our favorites. Lots of great scenery and photo opps. Unfortunately, Sarah was suffering from one of her stomach aches, so pictures with her were hit or miss.  The only thing that seemed to help her was staying warm, so even though it was in the upper 70s to low 80s, she wore a sweatshirt most of the time. And as usual, we didn't have one with us, so she's sporting a nice Niagara Falls one!

The Canadian side of the Falls is just beautiful.  You really get the best views from here.  This last picture was from the Journey Behind the Falls, where you can get up close to the water.  The tour itself was a bit of a let down as we didn't see much "behind" the falls, just 2 little inlets with a lot of water gushing in front of us.  The American side appeared to have fun and very wet tour that has you walk along side the falls that looked much more exciting!

We managed to avoid what we coined Crazytown, the tacky tourist area. We debated on walking around there tomorrow, but decided the drive through it once was enough!  We plan to head North to Niagara on the Lake tomorrow.

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