Saturday, June 25, 2011

Back Home

Well as you can imagine, we made it safely back home. I had a few people suggest that I write a follow up on what happened when we came home. The dreaded first few days of our trip still on people's minds! How would Cruise America make up for the loss of a couple days of our vacation?

We arrived home around dinner time on the 20th and cleaned up the RV for it's return on the 21st. I swear it was cleaner that it had ever been, certainly in better shape than we recieved it. I think Marc didn't want Art (the owner of the rental agency) to have any excuse to keep the down payment we had to put on it.

Marc, Jenni and Jason returned the RVs the next day, still finding minor problems (propane tank valve trouble). When they got to the office for the return, Marc's plan was to not take any less than a 3 day refund and fortunately, Art complied. He admitted that they overlooked the tire issue and apologized. We were surprised, expecting a cranky welcome from him. And while I'm sure he was not looking forward to seeing us again, I'm impressed that he owned up to his mistakes.

So will we rent from Cruise America again? Not sure, but we will certainly know what to look for if we do.

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