Thursday, June 16, 2011

Day Seven - Old Faithful Area

For our first full day in Yellowstone we decided to spend it in the Old Faithful area. We wanted to arrive by 10 am so the kids could do a ranger talk to help them earn their Junior Ranger badge. So in order to cover the 30 miles from our campground to Old Faithful we gave ourselves an hour and a half to get there. We needed it since we ran into 2 wildlife jams. The first being a bison taking a stroll down the road (seems to be a common occurence). Our second hang up was a bald eagle sighting. Two of them in a tree. Since this is quite rare, they pulled in a crowd, lots of photographers and gawkers. Super cool.

We were able to see Old Faithful erupt a couple times today, and each time was just amazing. It's crazy how they can so accurately predict when it will go. After a Ranger led stroll around Old Faithful we warmed up in the Old Faithful Lodge and gave the kids a chance to finish up their Junior Ranger books so they could get their badges. We then had a nice dinner at the Old Faithful Inn. To finish up the day we took a quick trip to see the bubbling mudpots.

So the big excitement for the day! It snowed, and not just a few flakes, but enough to drastically reduce visibility. It was super cold and windy, but it wasn't enough to deter us from checking out the sights. I think tomorrow will be a bit warmer (not much). Either way, we're ready for whatever happens!


  1. My sister sent me the link to your blog because, as it turns out, we are taking almost the identical trip (sans RV) for 14 days starting July 11. Looking forward to hearing the end of your journey.

  2. Thanks for reading. Who is your sister? I've been surprised by how many people have read this!
